SSC Constable Selection Process

SSC Constable (Executive) Selection Procedure: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Temporary Constables (Executive) – Male and Female in Delhi Police. Selection process details are given below…

SSC Constable Selection: The examination consist of  Physical Endurance and Measurement Test & Computer Based Written Examination.

Physical Endurance and Measurement Test (PE&MT): Standard of Physical Endurance and Measurement Tests are as follows:

Physical Endurance Test for Male candidates: Standard of Physical Endurance Test for male candidates including ex-servicemen and Departmental candidates (age-wise) will be as under:


Race: 1600 metre

Long jump

High Jump

Up to 30 years

6 Minutes

14 Feet


Above 30 to 40 years

7 Minutes

13 Feet


Above 40 years

8 Minutes

12 Feet


Those candidates who qualify in the race will be eligible to appear in Long jump and then High Jump. The Long Jump and High Jump are to be cleared in any one of the three chances given to a candidate. There shall be no appeal against disqualification in race, Long jump & High jump.

Standard of Physical Measurement for Male candidates:

Physical Measurement Test will be taken only of those candidates who qualify the Physical Endurance Tests. Standard of Physical Measurements are as follows:

Height: Minimum 170 cm, relaxable by:

5 cm for residents of Hill areas i.e. Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunanchal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh. (Candidates claiming this relaxation would have to produce a certificate to this effect from the competent authority i.e. DC/ DM/ SDM or Tehsildar of their place of residence at the time of Physical Measurement Test). The format of certificate is annexed as Annexure-XI.

5 cm for ST candidates.

5 cm in case of sons of serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/ Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police

Chest: 81 cm with minimum of 4 cm expansion (i.e. 81 – 85 cm), relaxable by:

5 cm for residents of Hill areas as listed at Para- above

5 cm for ST candidates

5 cm in case of sons of serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/ Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police

Physical Endurance Test for Female candidates: Standard of Physical Endurance Test for female candidates including Departmental candidates (age-wise) will be as under:


Race: 1600 metre

Long jump

High Jump

Up to 30 years

8 Minutes

10 Feet


Above 30 to 40 years

9 Minutes

09 Feet


Above 40 years

10 Minutes

08 Feet


Those candidates who qualify in the race will be eligible to appear in Long jump and then High Jump. The Long Jump and High Jump are to be cleared in any one of the three chances given to a candidate. There shall be no appeal against disqualification in race, Long jump & High jump.

Standard of Physical Measurement for Female candidates:

Physical Measurement Test will be taken only of those candidates who qualify the Physical Endurance Tests. Standard of Physical Measurements are as follows:

Height: Minimum 157 cm, relaxable by:

2 cm for residents of Hill areas i.e. Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to states of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunanchal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh. (Candidates claiming this relaxation would have to produce a certificate to this effect from the competent authority i.e. DC/ DM/ SDM or Tehsildar of their place of residence at the time of Physical Measurement Test). The format of certificate is annexed as Annexure-XI.

2 cm for SC/ ST candidates.

5 cm in case of daughters of serving, retired or deceased Delhi Police personnel/ Multi-Tasking Staff of Delhi Police

Medical Standard: The candidates should be in sound state of health, free from defect/ deformity/ disease, vision 6/12 without glasses both eyes, free from colour blindness and without any correction like wearing glasses or surgery of any kind to improve visual acuity. Free from defect, deformity or disease likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. No relaxation is allowed/ permissible to any category of candidates on this count.


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